46 research outputs found

    Inbound Handover Interference-Based Margin for Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Networks

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    Inbound handover (HO) or hand-in is accomplished when the user equipment (UE) performs HO from macrocell (MC) to a small cell (SC). When the UE connects to a SC with a time of stay (ToS) less than a predefined time threshold, this will result in frequent unnecessary HOs and also increase service interruption which in turn will degrade the end user quality of service (QoS). In this paper, we propose an inbound HO method for the purpose of throughput enhancement and load balancing in SC heterogeneous networks (HetNets). The impact of interference from both MC and SC tiers is considered so that the UE is offloaded from congested MC and forced to perform the HO to the SC tier that supplies a sufficient data rate by selecting a proper SC target, which has the highest signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR), from a reduced neighbour cell list (NCL). The proposed method uses a modified A3 HO triggering condition taking into account the interference and cell load. Results show that our proposed method can perform inbound HO while keeping the throughput to the maximum level. Moreover, the proposed method has significantly minimized the unnecessary inbound HOs and radio link failures compared to the competitive methods. With different network load factors, the proposed method can significantly give a good performance which yields higher throughput for the user and the network as well

    Decentralized Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

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    Heterogeneous Cellular Network (HetNet) is a promising technology for 5th generation mobile networks (5G) that can potentially improve spatial resource reuse and extend coverage, therefore allowing it to achieve significantly higher data rates than single tier networks. However, the performance of HetNet is limited by co-channel (inter-UE, inter-cell) interference. Hence, resource allocation is carefully done in this paper to ensure that the likely loss in achievable data rate due to interference doesn't diminish the gain in the achievable data rate due to higher spatial reuse. The resources which we consider in this paper are the spatial resource (unit-beamformer) and the power resource. We formulate our distributed spatial resource allocation problem as a quadratic optimization problem with non-convex quadratic constraints and solved it by exploiting stationarity karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. While our proposed power resource allocation scheme is formulated as a convex optimization problem and is solved by exploiting karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. Simulation results of our proposed method, when compared with other existing methods show significant improvement

    Anticonvulsant and sedative activities of aqueous leave extract of Leucas martinicensis (Jacq.) R. Br

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    Leucas martinicensis is a medicinal plant used in traditional medicine to treat convulsions and epilepsy. The present study was to evaluate the anticonvulsant and sedative effects of the aqueous leave extract of L. martinicensis in Wistar rats. The anticonvulsant activities of L. martinicensis (50, 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg i.p.) were evaluated using maximal electroshock seizure (MES) - and strychnine (STR) -induced seizure models while the sedative properties were evaluated using the diazepaminduced sleep model in Wistar rats. The 400 mg/kg of the extract protected rats (100%) against seizures in both models while at 200 mg/kg seizure protection (100%) was only in STR model. There was a significant (p<0.05) delay in the onset and reduction in the duration of seizure in the two models in unprotected rats. L. martinicensis exerted sedative effect by significantly reducing the onset (sleep latency) and increasing the total duration of sleep induced by diazepam. These results suggest that aqueous extract of L. martinicensis may possess anticonvulsant and sedative properties that might show efficacy against primary generalised seizures and secondarily generalised tonic -clonic seizures in humans. It also lends pharmacological credence to the use of the plant in traditional medicine for the management of epilepsy and convulsions.Keywords: Leucas martinicensis; Epilepsy; Traditional medicine; Anticonvulsant; slee

    Global Transcriptomic Profiling of Bovine Endometrial Immune Response In Vitro. II. Effect of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus on the Endometrial Response to Lipopolysaccharide

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    Infection with noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (ncpBVDV) is associated with uterine disease and infertility. This study investigated the influence of ncpBVDV on immune functions of the bovine endometrium by testing the response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Primary cultures of mixed epithelial and stromal cells were divided into four treatment groups (control [CONT], BVDV, CONT+LPS, and BVDV+LPS) and infected with ncpBVDV for 4 days followed by treatment with LPS for 6 h. Whole-transcriptomic gene expression was measured followed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Differential expression of 184 genes was found between CONT and BVDV treatments, showing interplay between induction and inhibition of responses. Up-regulation of TLR3, complement, and chemotactic and TRIM factors by ncpBVDV all suggested an ongoing immune response to viral infection. Down-regulation of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, CXCR4, and serine proteinase inhibitors suggested mechanisms by which ncpBVDV may simultaneously counter the host response. Comparison between BVDV+LPS and CONT+LPS treatments showed 218 differentially expressed genes. Canonical pathway analysis identified the key importance of interferon signaling. Top down-regulated genes were RSAD2, ISG15, BST2, MX2, OAS1, USP18, IFIT3, IFI27, SAMD9, IFIT1, and DDX58, whereas TRIM56, C3, and OLFML1 were most up-regulated. Many of these genes are also regulated by IFNT during maternal recognition of pregnancy. Many innate immune genes that typically respond to LPS were inhibited by ncpBVDV, including those involved in pathogen recognition, inflammation, interferon response, chemokines, tissue remodeling, cell migration, and cell death/survival. Infection with ncpBVDV can thus compromise immune function and pregnancy recognition, thereby potentially predisposing infected cows to postpartum bacterial endometritis and reduced fertility

    UE-Centric Clustering and Resource Allocation for Practical Two-Tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

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    Heterogeneous cellular Network (HetNet) has emerged as a promising technology for the 5th generation mobile networks (5G) that can be used to meet the high demand of data rate and better quality of service (QoS) performance. However, the performance of HetNet will depend on how scarce resources such as frequency, time, power and spatial resource are shared among user equipments (UEs) in the system and also how interference is controlled. In this work, we utilize UE-centric clustering as a tool to effectively determine the interfering BSs that cause significant interference to each UE in the network. These interfering BSs together with the serving BSs of these interfered UEs will coordinate and make resource allocation decision together to allocate spatial directions to each UE in the network in order to manage interference in the network. We formulate the resource allocation problem as maximizing the weighted sum-rate of HetNet while fulfilling some power, QoS and interference constraints. This optimization problem is non-convex. We readily split the RA problem into two sub-problems: the spatial direction allocation problem and the power allocation problem respectively. We are able to solve these problems efficiently using SeDumi, which provides a general purpose implementation of interior point methods. Simulation results of our proposed method, when compared with the other existing methods, show significant improvement

    Ficus platyphylla promotes fertility in female Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain: a preliminary study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Ficus platyphylla </it>Delile (family- Moracea) commonly called gutta percha tree is a deciduous plant found in savannah areas. It grows widely in the Northern part of Nigeria, up to 60 ft. high and is known as 'gamji' by the Hausas. The seeds, bark and leaves have been used traditionally in combination to promote fertility. Scientifically, the plant has been shown to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and CNS effects. The present study was to validate the use of this plant to promote fertility in female Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain using various fertility parameters.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Female Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain weighing between 150-180 g were randomly selected and divided into two major groups. Each group was subdivided into 5 treatment groups of 100, 200, 400 mg/kg BW of aqueous extract of <it>F. platyphylla </it>and a control group of 5 ml/kg of distilled water. A positive control of clomiphene citrate was used. Treatment of the first group was discontinued after 15 days prior to mating (pre-mating treatment group), while the other was treated continuously till delivery (continuous treatment group). At the 10<sup>th </sup>day, females were sacrificed and implantation sites were checked and embryos counted. Upon delivery, litter sizes were determined and the pups weighed and checked for deformities. Other reproductive indices were calculated. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and students T-test. Proportions were analysed by Chi square. Statistical evaluations were performed using STATS programs and Graphpad prism, and a difference was considered statistically significant at P < 0.05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a significant reduction in the percentage post implantation losses of both the pre-treatment and the continuous treatment groups when compared to their distil water controls. The litter size of the pre-treatment group was similar to the distil water group while at 400 mg/kg, the continuous treatment group showed an increase in the litter size similar to that of the clomiphene group. There were no observed external deformities in the pups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Administration of aqueous extract of <it>F. platyphylla </it>promotes fertility by reducing post implantation loss and by increasing litter size in female Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain.</p

    Učinak invazije vrstom Trypanosoma brucei na involuciju maternice nakon partusa.

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    This study investigated the effects of Trypanosoma brucei infection on post-partum (PP) uterine involution in the albino rat (Rattus norvegicus). Ninety-six rats (80 females and 16 males) were used for the study. The females were divided into 2 equal groups of 40 infected and 40 uninfected. The males which were uninfected were used for mating with the females. From each of the 2 female groups, 5 were humanely sacrifi ced daily from day 0 to day 7 PP. Body mass (BM), uterine mass (UM), uterine mass as a percentage of body mass (UMPBM), uterine histomorphology, packed cell volume (PCV), level of parasitaemia (LOP) and rectal temperature (RT) were evaluated in the females. Results showed that both the UM and the UMPBM of the infected rats were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the uninfected between days 1 and 7 PP. Uterine histomorphology showed that between days 3 and 7 PP, involution was more advanced in the uninfected group. Uterine sections of the infected rats had more glands, which were also larger in size. Endometrial stroma was less cellular in the uninfected rats and the myometrium showed higher nuclei density for myofi brils, which suggests some loss of cytoplasm. The PCV of the infected rats was significantly lower than that of the uninfected (P<0.01) between days 9 and 14 post-infection (PI), while the RT of the infected rats was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the uninfected between days 5 and 14 PI. It was therefore concluded that T. brucei infection led to a significant delay in PP uterine involution, as evidenced by the higher UM and UMPBM, and the uterine histomorphological findings in the infected rats.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem određivanja učinka protozoona Trypanosoma brucei na postpartalnu involuciju maternice u albino štakora (Rattus norvegicus). Za istraživanje je rabljeno 96 štakora (80 ženki i 16 mužjaka). Ženke su bile podijeljene u dvije jednake skupine tako da je 40 ženki pripadalo kontrolnoj, a 40 invadiranoj skupini. Neinvadirani mužjaci su poslužili za parenje. Iz svake skupine bilo je eutanazirano pet ženki i to svaki dan (od nultog do sedmog dana). Za svaku ženku bila je određena tjelesna masa, masa maternice, odnos mase maternice i tjelesne mase, histološki nalaz maternice, ukupan broj krvnih stanica, razina parazitemije i rektalna temperatura. Rezultati su pokazali da je u invadiranih štakorica maternica bila značajno teža kao što je bila i značajno veća masa maternice u odnosu na tjelesnu masu ženke (P<0,01) u razdoblju od prvog do sedmog dana nakon partusa. Histološkom pretragom dokazano je da je involucija maternice u razdoblju od trećeg do sedmog dana bila izraženija u neinvadiranih ženki što je dokazano i većim brojem povećanih žlijezdi. Stroma endometrija neinvadiranih životinja sadržavala je manje stanica. U miometriju je dokazana veća gustoća jezgara u miofibrilima što govori u prilog gubitku citoplazme. Ukupan broj krvnih stanica u invadiranih štakorica bio je značajno manji u odnosu na neinvadirane (P<0,01) u razdoblju od devetog do četrnaestog dana nakon invazije. Invadirane štakorice imali su višu tjelesnu temperaturu (P<0,01) u razdoblju od petoga do četrnaestoga dana. Na temelju postignutih rezultata zaključuje se da invazija vrstom Trypanosoma brucei dovodi do značajnog kašnjenja involucije što je potvrđeno većom masom maternice, većom masom u odnosu na tjelesnu masu te histomorfološkim nalazom u invadiranih ženki

    BVDV alters uterine prostaglandin production during pregnancy recognition in cows

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    Embryonic mortality in cows is at least in part caused by failure of pregnancy recognition (PR). Evidence has shown that bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infection can disrupt pregnancy. Prostaglandins (PG) play important roles in many reproductive processes, such as implantation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of BVDV infection on uterine PG production and PR using an in vitro PR model. Bovine uterine endometrial cells isolated from ten BVDV-free cows were cultured and treated with 0 or 100ng/mL interferon-τ (IFNT) in the absence or presence of non-cytopathic BVDV (ncpBVDV). PGF2α and PGE2 concentrations in the spent medium were measured using radioimmunoassays, and in the treated cells expression of the genes associated with PG production and signalling was quantified using qPCR. The results showed that the IFNT challenge significantly stimulated PTGS1 and PTGER3 mRNA expression and PGE2 production; however, these stimulatory effects were neutralised in the presence of ncpBVDV infection. ncpBVDV infection significantly increased PTGS1 and mPGES1 mRNA expression and decreased AKR1B1 expression, leading to increased PGE2 and decreased PGF2α concentrations and an increased PGE2:PGF2α ratio. The other tested genes, including PGR, ESR1, OXTR, PTGS2, PTGER2 and PTGFR, were not significantly altered by IFNT, ncpBVDV or their combination. Our study suggests that BVDV infection may impair PR by (1) inhibiting the effect of IFNT on uterine PG production and (2) inducing an endocrine switch of PG production from PGF2α to PGE2 to decrease uterine immunity, thereby predisposing the animals to uterine disease

    Učinak invazije vrstom Trypanosoma brucei na involuciju maternice nakon partusa.

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    This study investigated the effects of Trypanosoma brucei infection on post-partum (PP) uterine involution in the albino rat (Rattus norvegicus). Ninety-six rats (80 females and 16 males) were used for the study. The females were divided into 2 equal groups of 40 infected and 40 uninfected. The males which were uninfected were used for mating with the females. From each of the 2 female groups, 5 were humanely sacrifi ced daily from day 0 to day 7 PP. Body mass (BM), uterine mass (UM), uterine mass as a percentage of body mass (UMPBM), uterine histomorphology, packed cell volume (PCV), level of parasitaemia (LOP) and rectal temperature (RT) were evaluated in the females. Results showed that both the UM and the UMPBM of the infected rats were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the uninfected between days 1 and 7 PP. Uterine histomorphology showed that between days 3 and 7 PP, involution was more advanced in the uninfected group. Uterine sections of the infected rats had more glands, which were also larger in size. Endometrial stroma was less cellular in the uninfected rats and the myometrium showed higher nuclei density for myofi brils, which suggests some loss of cytoplasm. The PCV of the infected rats was significantly lower than that of the uninfected (P<0.01) between days 9 and 14 post-infection (PI), while the RT of the infected rats was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the uninfected between days 5 and 14 PI. It was therefore concluded that T. brucei infection led to a significant delay in PP uterine involution, as evidenced by the higher UM and UMPBM, and the uterine histomorphological findings in the infected rats.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem određivanja učinka protozoona Trypanosoma brucei na postpartalnu involuciju maternice u albino štakora (Rattus norvegicus). Za istraživanje je rabljeno 96 štakora (80 ženki i 16 mužjaka). Ženke su bile podijeljene u dvije jednake skupine tako da je 40 ženki pripadalo kontrolnoj, a 40 invadiranoj skupini. Neinvadirani mužjaci su poslužili za parenje. Iz svake skupine bilo je eutanazirano pet ženki i to svaki dan (od nultog do sedmog dana). Za svaku ženku bila je određena tjelesna masa, masa maternice, odnos mase maternice i tjelesne mase, histološki nalaz maternice, ukupan broj krvnih stanica, razina parazitemije i rektalna temperatura. Rezultati su pokazali da je u invadiranih štakorica maternica bila značajno teža kao što je bila i značajno veća masa maternice u odnosu na tjelesnu masu ženke (P<0,01) u razdoblju od prvog do sedmog dana nakon partusa. Histološkom pretragom dokazano je da je involucija maternice u razdoblju od trećeg do sedmog dana bila izraženija u neinvadiranih ženki što je dokazano i većim brojem povećanih žlijezdi. Stroma endometrija neinvadiranih životinja sadržavala je manje stanica. U miometriju je dokazana veća gustoća jezgara u miofibrilima što govori u prilog gubitku citoplazme. Ukupan broj krvnih stanica u invadiranih štakorica bio je značajno manji u odnosu na neinvadirane (P<0,01) u razdoblju od devetog do četrnaestog dana nakon invazije. Invadirane štakorice imali su višu tjelesnu temperaturu (P<0,01) u razdoblju od petoga do četrnaestoga dana. Na temelju postignutih rezultata zaključuje se da invazija vrstom Trypanosoma brucei dovodi do značajnog kašnjenja involucije što je potvrđeno većom masom maternice, većom masom u odnosu na tjelesnu masu te histomorfološkim nalazom u invadiranih ženki

    Utilization of skilled birth attendants at delivery among urban women in Nnewi Nigeria

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    Background: Maternal mortality ratio remains high in Nigeria and the Presence of skilled birth attendants at delivery is a key strategy towards reducing the rate.Objective: To determine the rate and factors that affect utilization of skilled birth attendants (SBA) among Igbo women in Nnewi, South-Eastern NigeriaMethodology: A cross sectional survey of 400 market women using semi structured questionnaires and focus group discussions.Results: The rate of utilization of SBAs at birth was 88.4%. Majority (72.8%) of the women delivered in the private health facilities while 15.6% delivered in a government health facility. Majority of the women who did not assess SBAs at their last delivery, delivered in the maternity homes (65.2%), followed by Traditional Birth Attendant's place (26.1%; n=12). The main reasons for non-utilization of SBA at delivery were the long distance to the health facilities (65.0%), exorbitant hospital fees (34.8%), culturally unacceptable hospital practices (32.6%) and unfriendly attitude of the hospital staff (26.1%).Women aged 24-29 years(X2=25.84; P=0.00) and those who had attained tertiary education (X2=8.39; P=0.03) were significantly more likely to utilize SBAs at delivery than the other women Marital status (X2=1.42; P=0.48), occupation (X2=7.34; P=0.12) and religion (X2=0.87; P=0.92) did not significantly affect the utilization of SBAs at delivery.Most focus group discussants indicated that distant location of the hospitals; high cost of services and the unfriendly attitude of the workers were the major reasons for not utilizing SBAs at deliveries.Conclusion: There is a good rate of utilization of SBAs among Igbo women in Southeast Nigeria. There is need for even distribution of health facilities and reduction in the cost of services to further improve the rate of utilizationKeywords: Antenatal care, Place of delivery, Postnatal services, Nurses, Maternity home